Primul Congres International de Reabilitare Generala si Oro-Maxilo-Faciala, Istanbul, Turcia 28-30 Mai 2015
Aseara a avut loc festivitatea de deschidere a Primului Congres International de Reabilitare Generala si Oro-Maxilo-Faciala – Editie Extraordinara. Ceremonia a avut loc la hotel Norina Forna
Last night was held the opening ceremony of the First International Congress of General and Oral-Maxillo-Facial – Rehabilitation- Extraordinary Edition. The ceremony was held in Istanbul Bosphorus Hotel Renaissance Hotel and was chaired by Congress President, Prof. Ph.D. Norina Forna
20th Edition of the Balkan Stomatological Society Congress, Bucharest, 23rd -26th of April, 2015.
In prezenta a sute de participanti, reprezentati ai presei, expozanti si speakeri, doamna Prof. Dr. Norina Forna a inaugurat in mod oficial editia jubiliara a Congresului Societatii Balcanice de Stomatologie de la Bucuresti.
In front of hundreds of participants, press representatives, exhibitors and speakers, Prof. Dr. Norina Forna formally inaugurated the jubilee edition of the Balkan Stomatological Society Congress in Bucharest.
A VII-a Editie a Caravanei Profilaxiei , Iasi , 2015
Iesenii au venit in numar foarte mare la cea de a VII Editie a Caravanei Profilaxiei sa afle cat de buna le este dantura.Au avut la dispozitie puncte special amenajate din Parcul Teatrului National, Parcul Nicolina, Esplanada Oancea din Tatarasi, Alexandru cel Bun din Piata Voievozilor si Parcul Podu Ros.
Caravana Profilaxiei a fost coordonata de Prof.Univ.Dr. Norina Forna
Va asteptam intr-un numar si mai mare la editia de anul viitor!
EXTRAORDINARY EDITION 1st International Congress of General and Oro-Maxillo-Facial Rehabilitation -Forum Odontologicum-