20th BaSS Congress




Congress Website                     Abstract Submission Form                     Register for the congress

It is our privilege and special pleasure to invite you to the 20th Edition of the Balkanic Stomatological Society Congress, which will be held in Bucharest, 23rd -26th of April, 2015.

Following the impressive success of the 19th Congress in Belgrad, Serbia we hope that Bucharest will be a milestone in the history of BASS. This meeting will offer practitioners from across the world an ideal opportunity to pursue continuing medical education, to learn about recent advances, likely future developments and potential research avenues, and to exchange scientific ideas and experiences in our field – all within an unique environment.

The BASS meeting promises to be a highlight for the multidisciplinary community that forms the heart and soul of dental medicine. There will be plenary lectures devoted to this field of interst,distinguished speakers will address the state of the art and new developments in clinical and paraclinical areas of interdisciplinarity covering a broad range of topics. The multidisciplinary symposia organised throughout the meeting will truly reflect BASS’s mission to interact with other European and global organisations, with the goal of providing the best possible care for our patients.

However, we rely on the most meaningful participation of many colleagues from all over Europe in order to make our next congress a real scientific success. Thus, we are looking forward to welcome you in Bucharest, the heart of European culture and civilization, and to receive you according to the traditional Romanian hospitality.

nfPresident Bass Congress 2015

Prof.Univ.Dr. Norina Consuela Forna
Dean, Faculty of Dental Medicine “Gr. T. Popa”, U.M.F, Iasi, Romania
President of Romanian Society of Oral Rehabilitation






Cum te inregistrezi?

1. Te inscrii ca membru pe site-ul oficial al BaSS

2. Depui abstract, editezi abstract pe sectiunea oficiala a site-ului BaSS

3. Achiti taxa de participare la congres folosind prin transfer bancar


Backup_of_Flyer BASS 2015-RO




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