Educație medicală continuă

(Română) Program stiintific congres ASRRO Noiembrie 2020

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(Română) 1st Bass Symposium 7-9 November 2019, Iasi, Romania

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Program Stiintific – Al XII-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Reabilitare Orala – 14-16 Noiembrie 2018, Bucuresti

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(Română) Al XII-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Reabilitare Orala – 14-16 Noiembrie 2018, Bucuresti

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(Română) Simpozion Stiintific de Medicina Dentara cu participare internationala – 19-20 Aprilie 2017- Bucuresti

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(Română) Simpozion Stiintific de Medicina Dentara – Aplicatii practice avansate in medicina dentara curenta 23-25 Noiembrie 2017

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Workshop “Techniques applied to suture the mandible”

We invite you to the workshop “Techniques applied to suture the mandible” moderate Asist.Univ.Dr. Ovidiu Stamatin and Asist.Univ.Dr. Oana Ciurcanu, 19 November, starting at 10:00 Habitat Project building, Blvd. Carol I, No. 4.

The workshop “Using technology” Stamp “in restoring direct caries teeth located on the side”

Thanks to those who attended the workshop “Using technology” Stamp “in restoring carious lesions located directly on the side teeth” moderate Sef.Lucr.Dr. Simona Stoleriu, organized on November 12, 2016 by ASRRO.

(Română) Al X-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Reabilitare Orala (SRRO) – „Actualitati in utilizarea tehnicilor moderne din praxis in medicina dentara”

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The 10th Congress of Romanian Society of Oral Rehabilitation

The 10th Congress of Romanian Society of Oral Rehabilitation –